2018 K-Days Summer Poultry and Goat Shows
2018 was a year of firsts for Canadian Heritage Breeds! Our club was invited to enter into a new partnership with Northlands in Edmonton to take part in their annual K Days Fair. This was an exceptional venue to host the annual CHB Summer Show, plus, our first ever Dairy Goat show! The poultry and animals were housed in a gorgeous, climate controlled hall in the Expo Centre, which was front and centre in the agricultural area. The goats were shown on Saturday under Alex Cripps from Sussex, NB and on Sunday under Arnie Steeves from Hillsborough, NB. All recognized dairy breeds were included, and exhibitors competed for significant cash awards.
The Poultry Show was judged by Bryan Shelton of Manitoba, and was attended by both new and seasoned exhibitors from across the province. The condition and quality of the birds was impressive considering the time of the year and really did a fantastic job of showcasing the fancy to the thousands of spectators who wandered through the show hall over the course of the weekend. Providing this level of exposure to urban populations is one of CHB's priorities, and as such the weekend was considered a great success. The CHB Junior program continued this year and we had a strong showing in the Junior Showmanship with some keen young exhibitors sharing their knowledge and bird handling abilities. The open show was won by C-R Ducks with a very nice Black Cochin Cockerel. Thank you to all the exhibitors who made this show a success and to Northlands for having us as part of such a great event! Looking forward to being back and bigger next year. Poultry Show Results Grand Champion, Black Cochin Bantam Cock, C-R Ducks Reserve Grand Champion, Black Orpington Hen, Kris Skeels |
Large Fowl
Champion American, Buckeye Cock, Crystal McKinnon Champion Asiatic, White Langshan Hen, Callum McLeod Champion English, Black Orpington Hen, Kris Skeels Champion Mediterranean, SC Silver Leghorn Hen, C-R Ducks Champion Continental, Mottled Houdan Hen, Bruce & Samantha Christopher Champion Large Chicken, Black Orpington Hen, Kris Skeels Reserve Champion Large Chicken, Buckeye Cock, Crystal McKinnon Bantams Champion Game, Black Old English Game BantamCock, C-R Ducks Champion SCCL, White Plymouth Rock Bantam Hen, MC Squared Champion RCCL, Black Wyandotte Bantam Hen, MC Squared Champion AOCCL, Wheaten Ko Shamo Hen, Callum McLeod Champion Featherleg, Black Cochin Bantam Cock, C-R Ducks Champion Bantam, Black Cochin Bantam Cock, C-R Ducks Reserve Bantam, White Plymouth Rocks Bantam Hen, MC Squared Champion Turkey: Narragansett Hen, Mountain View Ranches Champion Guinea Fowl, Pearl Pullet, Mountain View Ranches Champion Landfowl, Black Cochin Bantam Cock, C-R Ducks Reserve Landfowl, Black Orpington Hen, Kris Skeels Champion Goose: Brown Chinese Old Gander, Ashley Tuckwood Champion Duck, Saxony Old Drake, Robyn Andersen Champion Waterfowl: Saxony Old Drake, Robyn Andersen |