CHB Fall Show - Buying and Selling
There will be 2 separate options for buying and selling birds at the 2016 CHB Fall Show - November 12-13, Lacombe Alberta
Sales AreaAs in past years, a Sales area will be set up for buying and selling birds on November 12th and 13th, during show hours.
If you would like to bring birds to sell, you can rent cage space at a cost of $5 per hole for Large fowl and/or Bantams and $10 for turkey/goose holes. It’s a one-time fee, so you may re-fill your spot as your birds are sold throughout the weekend. Birds brought to sell need to be standard-bred, healthy and in good condition. No over-crowding allowed. You may pay for your cage space in advance at the CHB Web Store. You can also pay at the show office, but please be advised that cage spaces are limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis. |
Breeder's Silent AuctionNew for 2016! A Breeder’s Silent Auction is taking place in conjunction with the Fall Poultry and Pigeon Show.
Connecting heritage livestock breeders is one of the main goals of CHB, so the Breeder’s Silent Auction has been developed with this priority in mind. This is an excellent way to get started in a new breed, as you can buy with the confidence of knowing the birds have passed the judges’ inspection and have no disqualifying faults. For those interested finding new birds or a new bloodline to incorporate into your flock, this is the place to find superior breeding stock and be able to buy them right out of the show cage - possibly even out of a cage with a Best of Breed ribbon attached! For the breeder, the silent auction allows you to display birds to their best advantage and showcase the results of your breeding efforts. It’s also a great opportunity to connect with buyers in this specific market. To consign birds, just enter them into the show as usual, and visit the Show Office on Saturday to register them for bidding. Please refer to this document for all the details: ![]()