Each year, Canadian Heritage Breeds hosts a number of educational events and Poultry Shows. Poultry shows are an important part of CHB's ongoing efforts to create public awareness around traditional fowl and livestock, and provide opportunities for breeders to showcase their successes. In addition to shows, CHB works hard to provide a number of other learning opportunities and other activities to further the club's mission of heritage breed conservation.
Heritage Livestock SeminarsIn the spring of 2015 CHB offered a full day of introductory level learning sessions on topics such as sheep and goat selection, poultry housing, goat milking, raising rabbits for meat and poultry assessment techniques. In 2016 the club built on the previous year's success to offer sessions on Poultry Health, Small Flock Biosecurity, Goat Care, Sheep Management, Permaculture, Slow Foods/Slow Meats and more.
Sustainable Poultry WorkshopCHB brought the Sustainable Poultry Network to Alberta to provide two workshops: "Raising Heritage Poultry for Profit and Pleasure" and "Breeding for Production and Profitability"
Heritage DinnerThis gourmet dinner gala was held in 2015 and 2016 and featured locally grown heirloom vegetables and meats raised by Alberta heritage livestock producers. With the expertise of a professional chef, these wholesome ingredients were transformed into fabulous and unforgettable three-course meals.